Gardens - Let’s say you have a mouse problem in your garden. It seems to be getting in through the cracks of your fence or maybe even underneath your potting soil. Well, you’ve got plenty of options for dealing with this problem.
By far the best and surefire way to rid yourself of these pests is biosecurity. Biosecurity involves creating an environment where rodents cannot survive. The best biosecurity measure would be to provide a secure perimeter around your vegetables and herbs.
After all, if rodents can get underneath your potting soil or climb up on your house plants, they have no place else to go.
There are three stages to the mouse problem.
The first is a nuisance as they can get in your vegetable patch and eat your peppers, pumpkins or sweet potatoes.
The second stage is a health threat since mice can carry Salmonella and other viruses which can cause food poisoning if eaten.
The third stage is actually a threat to your physical health since they can burrow under your skin and zap the nerve endings that control your muscles, causing numbness and tingling in your extremities orcausing permanent damage to bones in your feet. But, thats was the worst, and not usualy happend.
Mouse problems can appear at any time, but they are more often noticeable during the summer months. The male mouse looks for receptive females in the wild; he assesses their level of fertility by measuring their weight, and begins courting them when they are calmer and more receptive.
Incidentally, pregnant females are always worth more than non-pregnant females, as they will give birth to more babies. If you want to keep your garden safe from these nocturnal pests, it is best to consider several precautions before placing your garden under the watchful eye of mice.
How to Get Rid of Mice in the Garden
You might think that getting rid of the mice in your garden is as easy as pulling out all the weeds. But, there are many different reasons why mice are a problem and dealing with them in the right way requires more than just uprooting them.
Traps and bait are the most well-known methods of trapping garden mice. Before you decide what to do about mice in your garden, consider the other factors affected by baits and traps.
How often do mice come into your yard?
What kind of injuries do they sometimes receive from these devices?
Are there any diseases that mice might acquire from their contact with these chemicals?
Is there enough space for all these critters to move around without getting tangled up?
Is there enough food for them?
Before you decide, consider the safety and health issues associated with each situation. When trying to rid your garden of mice, you should take the safety of children and pets into consideration.
Rodent control needs to start with some exterior cleanup. Remove piles of debris where mice can hide and nest. Rake up any debris that creates cover for the mice. Good cultural practices can greatly reduce mouse garden problems. The outside of your house needs completely sealed so the mice do not escape into the interior of your home. After clean-up has been done, it's time to set the mouse garden control you have selected.
When it comes to dealing with a mouse problem, snap traps are the most humane and effective option. Plant rodent bait in the form of gauze soaked in peanut butter inside your traps. Place traps every 5 to 10 feet, making sure to replace the bait every few days to keep it fresh.
Baits are an excellent way to reduce mice in the garden. Baits contain anticoagulants that prevent children and pets from coming in contact with the poison. Most baits require the mice to feed for several days before they are effective.
Brodifacoum and bromadiolone are fast-acting poisons which will kill a mouse after one feeding, and they're more effective than traditional mouse poisons.