Gardens - Every once in awhile a really cool plant comes along that not only adds value to your landscaping, but also looks awesome. Monstera are stunning additions to nearly any landscaping plan. Sure, they might take up space once placed, but they'll soon learn to thrive amid your other foliagey treasures.
The Monstera's growth habit is somewhat unique among cacti and ferns due to its jug-dominance-like habit. Basically, it forms a horizontal line of growing from the ground level downward which gradually gains height as it spreads outwards from point A along the trellis.
Where convenient, it supports the growth of relatively inconspicuous trees and invasive plants in dense forest. It grows in light to moderate shade, prefers well-draining soil and does not form large clumps.
Knowing more About Monstera
There are two distinct species of Monstera cultivated as houseplants - Monstera deliciosa and Monstera adansonii. The leaves of both species have holes, but the holes of M. adansonii grow towards the edge and open up as they mature.
There's a lot to know when you're starting to grow your own indoor plants. In this article I'll describe the general steps involved in growing both types of Monstera, as well as provide some basic information about how to care for them.
It's also important to note that although both types of Monstera are considered an indoor plant, they can thrive outside (in fact, many outdoor communities have large collections of both types of plants). This means that if you have a particularly tough plant problem (such as soil accumulation or poor air circulation), growing them in your yard could actually help
Sunlight for Monstera
The Monstera is a plant that thrives in bright to medium indirect light. It's natural habitat is a sunny area with plenty of space between leaves where it can hide among the stems and still remain safe from predators.
The leaves are usually 5-6 inches long and smooth with 2-3 parallel veins running parallel to the length of each leaf. Over time the veins will darken and become more wide as the leaf body darkens and takes on orange-red tinge.
Water for Monstera
Water the odd-plant at least once each week, especially if the odd-plant is growing side-by-side with other plants. This is not only helps the plant to avoid diseases but also improves its appearance by making the soil more level and preventing gaps or extremes in the soil profile. Also, it helps promote a healthier growth rate by keeping the soil evenly moist between watering.
Pro tip: Monsteras can benefit from filtered water or water left out overnight before using.
Humidity for Monstera
Monstera is a plant with a funny habit. It prefers humid conditions. Whether this makes it more difficult for it to survive in general is a matter of debate among experts. That debate ends here, however, as Monstera grows best in the dry areas of your garden.
The best way to take care of Monstera is to provide it with less water than normal. That means no using so much water that it starts to suffocate. Instead, water lightly every day throughout the week and be careful not to overwater.
Temperature for Monstera
Temperature is the most important factor in caring for your houseplant. If it gets too hot, it will rob the nutrient-rich soil of its lifeblood and will eventually wilt. If the soil is still cool when you bring it inside, it will still be active but less productive.
To take care of your unique indoor plant in the best way possible, follow these rules of thumb. Don't expect miracles -- these are basic rules with some special attention given to unusual grow patterns and varieties.
Soil for Monstera
You have two options when determining which soil is right for your plant: use an exactly measured amount or experiment with conditions that will let you determine how much should be added or removed. The first option is to determine exactly how much potting mix to use.
The amount should be determined by a reliable measurement device such as a spudger or similar tool. Mixing too lightly or adding too much too soon can cause the soil to collapse under its own weight and cause undesirable effects such as leaf breakage or mold.
Experimenting with different amounts of soil will also help determine whether additional fertilizer is needed or no. Simply put, use a potting mix with good drainage. For better aeration, add perlite and lava rocks to the potting soil.
Common Problems
The Monstera is an easy-going plant and is generally pest-free. But, when they appears, treat pests as soon as with weekly sprays of a natural pesticide like neem oil and regular wipe-downs of the plant.
SYMPTOM: Leaves turning brown and crispy at the edges
CAUSE: Thirsty plant, underwatered or high salt build up
SYMPTOM: Wilting plant, dry potting mix
CAUSE: Underwatered or pot-bound
SYMPTOM: Yellowing leaves or black stems, wet potting mix
CAUSE: Overwatered
Monsteras can be irritating to cats, dogs, and humans if foliage consumed. Best practice is always to keep houseplants out of reach of small children and pets.