
What is Hydroponics?

Hydroponics - Hydroponics is a modern technique for indoor gardening that has been developed and used for centuries. It involves the placement of hydroponic media in a special type of soil mix, along with the roots of the plants. 

The media consists of fine glass fibre, paraffin, or silica gel (depending on the manufacturer) which is gently pressed against the soil particles with a special instrument, creating an area where the water and nutrients are concentrated. The system allows plants to be trained directly to grow instead of having their roots rove around looking for food. 

Hydroponics is an innovative method of agriculture that is based upon the use of underwater media, which breaks the surface tension of water and holds plant roots and other floating plants within its atmosphere.

Hydroponics has been used for thousands of years in various medical and agricultural methods. This modern technique of cultivating plants in inert media has become popular within the past decade because it offers much more effective control over the growth of indoor plants compared with traditional methods. 

Hydroponics is also an environmentally friendly practice as it allows for the production of nutrient-rich materials without the emission of any harmful chemical additives.

Hydroponics is relatively easy to learn, but it does involve some scientific terminology and tools. Hydroponics tools are available from numerous manufacturers and can be integrated into nearly any system for raising plants. For instance, high-quality nutrient solutions can be used to provide balanced nutrition and proper support for healthy growth.

Hydroponics can be done in a medium sized space even if that space is limited due to budget or size of the problem you would like to solve. 

For example, if you have an undersized space where you plan on growing poppies, but the worry is that you will uncover and destroy your trees in the process, you can still use hydroponics.

The Benefits of Hydroponics

Hydroponics systems provide a sustainable method for agriculture. Without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, farmers are able to create more food with less effort. The water used to grow the crops can be reused or recycled, saving both resources and money while creating new crops for local consumption. 

In addition to the health benefits mentioned above, hydroponic systems have been proven to lower greenhouse gas emissions while improving soil quality.

Hydroponics systems has been shown to produce more than double the yield of conventional agriculture, using less water and energy. It produces higher quality produce with significantly fewer resources being dedicated to growing it. It has the potential to solve many problems associated with the food supply including poverty alleviation, climate change, pollution and land usage. 

The benefits aren't just limited to increased world production capacity. The Environmental Protection Agency has dubbed hydroponics "One of the most promising techniques for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving the quality of agriculture."

Commercial Growing of Hydroponics

Commercial growing is becoming more popular every year. There are many benefits to using hydroponic gardening techniques, and people are starting to take notice. There are even some people who are making a full-time living off of their gardening talents. 

Commercial hydroponic systems can be grow anywhere from a small indoor set up to a full-blown outdoor structure. Hydroponics is effective, fast growing and environmentally friendly. It doesn't need much space and doesn't require any special skills to operate. 

One of the primary growing mediums used for hydroponics is Nutrient Film Technique (NFT). This technique was developed back in the 70’s by Dr. Shigeki Itoh, a researcher at Hokkaido University in Japan. His discovery helped bring about the proliferation of commercial hydroponic manufacturing plants throughout the world today.

Ambitious individuals are striving to make their dreams come true by making their living in their backyard greenhouse by selling their produce to local markets and restaurants. In the class room, educators are realizing the amazing applications that hydroponics can have to teach children about science and gardening.

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